On Traumatic Modernities: Forced Migration and Nakh Cultural Memory Along Caucasus Borderlands …that constitutes forced migration. This research has also been disseminated in general interest publications. Among the general interest publications is a widely syndicated piece on the concept of forced migration…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholars …Nazi Occupation of Europe’s Influence on Life Inside Germany, 1941-1945 Jean Pierre Misago (African Centre for Migration and Society, University of the Witwatersrand). Migration, Governance, and Violent Exclusion: Exploring the…
“The Long History of Anti-Asian Violence in the US”: Dr. Beth Lew-Williams Dr. Beth Lew-Williams Beth Lew-Williams is a historian of race and migration in the United States, specializing in Asian American history. Her book, The Chinese Must Go: Violence, Exclusion, and…
The Chinese Must Go: The Violent Birth of American Border Control …of Chinese immigrants. In The Chinese Must Go, I show how American immigration policies incited this violence and how the violence, in turn, provoked new exclusionary policies. Ultimately, I argue, Chinese…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholars …Decline of Lynching in the United States Corey Chivers (Penn Medicine), Mark Gross (Sociology and Criminology, Cabrini University), and Lauren B. Landau (African Centre for Migration & Society, University of…
White Terror: Paramilitary Violence in Interwar Central Europe …the important, but rather obvious subjects of, for example, (forced or voluntary) migration, religion, or tourism as forms of cross-cultural encounter and interaction. Yet, ethnic conflict, war and civil war,…
“There Are Clearly Spaces Where Law Enforcement Does Not Belong”: A Conversation with Tracie Keesee …the great migration and Black folks trying to leave the South to go North for a better life, they’re met with the exact same thing—they were told to stay in…
“Beyond the Crisis: Reimagining Migrant Protection” …protection and the importance of getting broader racial, ethnic, gendered, and economic considerations right as they pertain to north-south and south-south migration and the violence that migrants face. Watch Video…