Epigenetic Influences on the Development of the Serotonin System: A Mechanism of Risk for Chronic Aggressive Behaviors in Humans? …allowed us to look at specific environmental factors and control for genetic effects. All individuals underwent brain imaging in combination with an emotion processing task to measure how their brain…
Serotonin and Impulsive Aggression: Not So Fast …aggression to deficits or excesses of various juices of the brain (dopamine, GABA, MAOA), the nether regions (testosterone, estrogen), or parts in between (adrenal steroids) have yielded occasionally suggestive but…
The Neural Circuitry of Aggression, Sex and Sexual Aggression …more often the exception than the norm. What brain mechanisms are responsible for separating sexual behavior toward females, and violent aggression toward males, under normal conditions? To investigate the brain…
Low Serotonin, Cholesterol, and Violent Behavior We conducted several studies evaluating the link between physiological factors and violence. First, we reviewed the literature linking low and lowered cholesterol to violence and to lowered brain serotonin activity….
Mechanisms Underlying “Pathological” Forms of Aggression in Rats …the effects of glucocoticoid deficiency on the aggression-induced activation of various brain centers. We have assessed the neuronal activation patterns induced by aggressive behavior in rats. The so-called cFos technique…
Neuropharmacology of Female Aggression …related hormones do indeed act in the brain to inhibit aggression. So what would regulate aggression in females? In rodents, it is clear that the release of hormones from the…
Role of Estrogen Receptors in Aggressive Behaviors …species, including humans. Since testosterone not only acts on brain androgen receptors in its original form but can also be aromatized to estradiol in the brain, it has been hypothesized…
Neuroendocrine Consequences of Dominance and Subordination …of chronically altered neuronal activity and connectivity. Second, the brain region in which we have found these changes, the hippocampus, is known to be involved in responding to and learning…
Alcohol: The Aggression Elixir? …level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Interestingly, recent studies using the TAP and the PSAP have demonstrated increased aggression in healthy males who received a tryptophan-depleted dietary mixture….
Molecular Genetics of Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila Melanogaster …see if it becomes more aggressive. We can even modify this procedure and overexpress these candidate “aggro” genes in specific regions of the brain, thereby mapping brain structures with behavior….