What Do Historians Have to Say About Violence? …domestic abuse, criminalizing forms of family violence that had long been accepted as “natural.” Moreover, by the standards of nineteenth-century America, Boston had little serious violence. Compared to late twentieth-century…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholars …Entertaining, Informing, Discussing: How Do Media Spread Messages of Peace and Violence? Elaine Frantz Parsons (History, Duquesne University). Klan Violence/Local Violence in Reconstruction-Era Union County: A Social Network Analysis Lloyd…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholars …Violence and Family Law in Senegal, West Africa Stephen C. Lubkemann (Anthropology, Brown University). Migration and the Local Structuring of National Means of Violence and Displacement in Post-Colonial Mozambique’s Civil…
Operation Fly Trap: Police Suppression and Gang Violence …not the gang sweep was successful in reducing violence To analyze insider explanations for gang violence 1. The family fallout of this task force was significant and is an example…
Beijing-Seoul Families and Neighborhoods Study …the expected relationships between collective efficacy and family violence, but do show relationships between the PI’s informal social control measures and family violence. Based on the promising findings from the…
“Why Do People of Color Have to Go to Extremes to Save their Kids?” A Conversation with Joseph Richardson …Capital Region Violence Intervention Program, a hospital-based program that provides trauma-informed care and psychological services to survivors of violent injury in an effort to prevent further violence and victimization. In…
“Violence Is Contagious”: A Conversation with Andrew Papachristos …data, to understand how patterns of relationships affect what we do. A lot of my work has applied this idea to understanding patterns of crime and violence, specifically gun violence….
“Social Disruptions Reveal Who We Are”: A Conversation with Jeffrey Butts …the Cure Violence model. Programs like Save Our Streets—that’s where I would put all my investments. I wanted to ask you about the state of Cure Violence research. It is…