‘There’s Nothing Inevitable or Permanent about Democracy’: A Conversation with Robert Talisse …and political violence? I think we should always be worried about the health and viability of democracy. I think it’s dangerous for people to think that democracy is a set…
“It’s Time to Be Very Afraid”: A Conversation with Peter Coleman …American political polarization. How worried should we be that our political divisions will result in violence on the ground? Is it possible to change the dynamics that threaten our fragile…
“We’re in the Danger Zone”: A Conversation with Caroline Mehl …I’m not so concerned about civil war anytime soon. But what has been happening, particularly among the political right, is that political violence is becoming more and more mainstream. Political…
Political Violence, Military Conflict and Civil Unrest in Palestine: The Palestinian Police, the Fatah Tanzim and the “Al-Aqsa Intifada” This research project was originally undertaken with the aim of examining the roles played by the military and civilian police forces of the Palestinian Authority, and the popular militias (in…
“Pluralism Is a Learned Value”: A Conversation with Dan Vallone Dan Vallone The headline of a recent Reuters special report tells a depressing story: “Political Violence in Polarized US at Its Worst since 1970s.” According to the report, “Explanations for…
What Do Historians Have to Say About Violence? …account for increased violence, just as they study periods of falling levels of violence to help to understand when and why societies reject the use of violence and effectively discourage…
‘A Diffused Climate of Threats and Intimidation’: A Conversation with Daniel Stid …it all sorts of passions. As you look to the remainder of this year, how worried are you about the potential for political violence in the US? For actual physical…
“Violence Is Contagious”: A Conversation with Andrew Papachristos …data, to understand how patterns of relationships affect what we do. A lot of my work has applied this idea to understanding patterns of crime and violence, specifically gun violence….
‘We Want You To Be A Proud Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence …can enable or contribute to political strife. Amid a volatile election season, the report, ‘We Want You To Be A Proud Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence,…
A Political Science Perspective on Teaching about Violence This article appeared in Teaching About Violence, the Spring 2000 edition of TheHFG Review, a Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation publication that examined topics of violence in depth. Political scientists who…