“Illiberal Ideas Are Having a Negative Effect on Our Political Culture”: A Conversation with Thomas Main …of the economics of taxation. Expert economists came to the conclusion that the income tax was unjustifiable. Their thinking got boiled down into a discrete public policy idea: lower the…
In Search of Popular Sovereignty: British Rule and the Great Revolt (1936–39) in Palestine …“landless class.” British bias towards the Zionist enterprise, manifested in a variety of domains from tax policies to land tenure, was predicated on a colonial version of trickle-down economics that…
Kidnapping in Colombia The goal of the project is to analyze why kidnapping rates have been so high in Colombia. A brief history of kidnapping shows that it has two different roots. It…
Criminal Retaliation: A Qualitative Study of Social Control Beyond the Law Despite its preeminent role in regulating disputes between and among street criminals, retaliation has received scant attention from criminological researchers. Existing studies explore retaliation only tangentially, with little or no…