Of Rebels, Spirits, and Social Engineers: The Problems with Ending Female Genital Cutting My research project, “Of Rebels, Spirits, and Social Engineers: The Problems with Ending Female Genital Cutting,” was motivated by a desire to understand a paradox: whereas the practices of female…
A Political Science Perspective on Teaching about Violence …approaches to violence, political scientists inevitably pay greater attention to some issues than do our colleagues in psychology, history, sociology, and anthropology. What distinguishes political science from these other disciplines,…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2020 Dissertation Fellows …of Wartime Violence in Social Mobilization: Resistance to Dams in Guatemala Lindsay Randall (Anthropology, University of Edinburgh). Contesting the City: Kinship, Islam, and Ethnic Politics of Belonging in Harar, Ethiopia Maria Restrepo-Ruiz (Public…
HFG At The Crossroads Forum …Jr., Joel and Kim Feller Endowed Professor of African-American Studies and Anthropology, University of Maryland Caterina Roman, Professor of Criminal Justice, Temple University Jeffrey Butts, Director of the Research &…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2022 Emerging Scholars …Scholars is, as always, a very select group of doctoral students whose dissertation projects—in anthropology, sociology, public health, history, law, and political science–were judged especially likely to further the foundation’s…
Under Many Fires: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Female Circumcision by Southern Sudanese War-Displaced Women in Khartoum The people of Southern Sudan have been enduring the effects of the longest running civil war in the world. This war, which was prompted by the Sudanese government’s policies of…
Remembering Violence and the Transvaluation of the Public Sphere My South African research brings the two poles of structural violence and transacted violence into greater proximity through the very tissue of historical memory. In the debates that have surrounded…
Military Training, Violence, and Human Rights: The School of the Americas Training and arming international terrorists has long been a practice of the U.S. government. Yet confronting the seamy side of the United States’ involvement in global affairs has never been…
Translations of Antisemitism: The History of Jews and Violence in Indonesia I conceived my research project in May, 1998, in the aftermath of the fall of President Soeharto in Indonesia. That month saw horrendous violence committed against the Chinese community in…
The Violent Life of Bruna Veríssimo: An Experimental Ethnographic Biography of a Homeless Brazilian Youth Interpretations of trauma tend to revolve around incidents that have a clear beginning, middle, and end—rape, torture, imprisonment, and combat, for instance—even if such experiences can reverberate indefinitely in the…